Thursday, October 4, 2012

31 Days of Life: Day 4

Last fall, our family began leading a program in Roswell called Classical Conversations and made some great friends in the process. During our community days, each family takes a turn to share something about themselves: their names, their interests/hobbies, etc. Everyone enjoys this time of getting to know one another, and we always learn so much in the process! While this is only a small part of what we do on CC days, every family leaves a lasting impact in our lives. I can't help but feel a richness in this type of fellowship, and I often think about how God uses families in a special way to impact others for His glory.

One day in particular last fall, a family shared about how they loved to work in their garden together and that God had created Adam and Eve to work even before the Fall of man. While that had never donned on me, I began to think about work in a different way. They went on to tell about the different fruits and vegetables that they were growing, and as they talked, they showed us a beautiful basket overflowing with the bounty of their labor. After they were finished, they offered all of what they had brought to share with each of us. The mom had even made homemade pickles for each family to have, and they were delicious! Within the next few weeks, they invited our small CC group to their home for lunch and a garden "field trip." Woohoo! It was such a sweet thing for them to do, and of course, we all left that day with even more of their wonderful fruits and veggies.

Well, Brandon already enjoyed gardening and wanted to learn to plant things here in this different earth we now love as home. Their presentation nudged us to want to do something similar. So, after doing some research: talking with other gardeners, visiting the seed store, and reading things online... Brandon and the girls got busy this past spring and planted a garden in our backyard! It was hard work getting the garden ready to be planted, but it has been so rewarding to watch it grow and GROW! Throughout the summer, we've been blessed with yellow squash, okra, eggplant, cantaloupe, spaghetti squash, butternut squash, onion, and LOTS of zucchini! Some things grew better than others, and it's been a chore to keep it watered in this "desert" country. However the hard work that Brandon and the girls put into it has been worth it, and it's been so much fun seeing the girls get excited about it time and time again.

That garden has been a good reminder to me of what that dear family told us last year: God did create us for work! There is much reward in a life labored for Him.

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