Our time with my family is coming to an end, and we have been so blessed to be with them these past few days. The fellowship at Cowboy Church was sweet and real. I am honored to have a father who loves the Lord and serves Him as he does. My mother is right there alongside my dad and is such a precious example of a pastor's wife. They receive very little monetary compensation for what they do, and I feel guilty that we are in the same line of work and our financial well being looks so differently. Today, they were given 2 horses, and they have longed for horses! However, they don't have anywhere to keep them and will have a difficult time affording their care. I told my dad that if God has given them horses, surely He has the other provisions for them, too! It would be awesome for them to be able to fully receive the gift of these horses. It is my hope that they will get to have some land along with a nice home complete with horses this side of heaven, but I know that may not happen. There is always hope. Mostly, I'm just glad that they truck along in ministry always knowing that their reward is in Christ and their every need is truly met in Him. I thank God for there example...how perfect for us to see as we head towards the beginning of a new ministry ourselves.
We will pull out at 5 am, and we have a long day of driving ahead. We will stop in Texas for several days to see friends there. Please pray for us as we travel. The girls get car sick quite easily and are not able to do the normal things that kids usually do while traveling...watching movies, reading, coloring, etc. Car time is definitely a perfect time for working on those attributes of being merciful and gracious!
I hope that each of you had a great weekend! May your week be one of opportunity for loving on people and showing them Jesus.
Will be praying for your journey and the adventure Jesus has planned for all of you!! Love you!
ReplyDeleteFacebook drives me crazy!! This is the first update that facebook has posted on my wall, so I am so far behind on your big move! Please know that our family will be praying for you guys as you transition to this new place that God has called you. We will certainly miss seeing y'all when we go back to Florida to visit.. hug yourself and the rest of your sweet family for me! Love and miss you!!
You are in my thoughts and prayers as you make this journey. You were truly missed in the preschool area yesterday. Your smiling face always made me feel blessed. Please give the girls and Brandon my love. Miss Lynnette