Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello, Blog... I've missed you!

So, it has been AWHILE... but, who's counting. Today, I am saying no to excuse # 4,893,540,384, and I am updating my blog! I can hear the excitement. :-)

We've been busy like any other family, and I'm not going to bore you with many details. You can rest assured our girls have grown a ton, and we're all doing well. We are truly blessed.

In my attempt to keep this blog updated, I am telling myself that this is just for fun... I am not going to compare this blog to others...just say no to blog envy! Also, I am going to make time to write and not just read. Yes, I've been reading blogs and doing very little...well, okay, NO writing.

So, here's to more blogging from our home to yours!

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